Freeze Dried Food, Doing It Yourself
The smell of the food was so good that Heather couldn’t help but look into the kitchen. There were so many delicious dishes. On the tables were the pork chops, hot buttered corn bread, broccoli casserole, mash potatoes with gravy, sirloin steak, cole slaw, and much more. But Heather especially liked the chocolate cake that was creamy at the top with pecans. That was her favorite. Nobody cooks better than Grandma. There was enough food to feed 100 people who were suppose to come.
There was only one problem. The party was cancelled at the last minute and all the families will not be able to reschedule until the spring holiday a month later. Heather sighed. She had no idea what they were going to do with all the food. She didn’t want to waste it. Her family can eat some of it but it looks like they are going to have to toss the rest away.
A lot of food goes to waste for different reasons. We end up discarding 40% of what we purchase, on average. And that sure doesn’t make things easier on family budgets, especially since food prices keep rising. Isn't there a better way to resolve this?
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*** You Can Click Below To Jump To Section ***Introduction.
Well, we could preserve the food.
.....Only if people knew about how to freeze dry their own food.
.....But why not freeze dry your food yourself?
.....But would that be difficult to do?
Introducing Harvest Right. The DIY Freeze Dryer.
So what foods work best for home freeze drying?
.....Poultry, Seafood, and Red Meats.
How about the cost of doing it yourself versus buying from a supplier?
.....Cost Comparison Example.
.....The savings can really add up.
Video, How It Works.
Video, Freeze Drying Versus Canning & Dehydrating.
A Wise Decision.
Please click below for more information.
Well, we could preserve the food.
Yes, that would be the ideal way to do it. In our previous article we discussed about food being preserved for long term emergency needs and the different methods to accomplish this. In one method, canning, 50% to 60% of the nutritional value is lost. Another method, dehydrating, 40% of the nutritional value is lost and it also uses a lot of sodium. Both methods end up having their taste, color, and texture different than fresh food. Furthermore, the shelf life of canned and dehydrated food is only two to three years.
Not so with freeze dried food, where only 3% of the food’s nutritional value is lost. It keeps 97% of the nutrition value. Also the long-term storage is up to 25-30 years. And to top if off, freeze-dried food looks and tastes like it did when fresh. No preservatives or additives are involved. It is simply the freshest, the healthiest, and the most delicious way to preserve your food and is the best type of food preservation for long term emergency needs that money can buy. Nothing else even comes close.
*** Go Back To Table of Contents ***Only if people knew about how to freeze dry their own food.
This is true. It would be a big plus if homes can preserve their own food instead of relying on suppliers exclusively. We already talked about the best freeze dried food suppliers to use to stock up on your emergency food pantry needs. And usually it is the commercial suppliers who have the ability to freeze dry. They have heavy specialized machinery that does it.
*** Go Back To Table of Contents ***But why not freeze dry your food yourself?
After all, you know best on what food you want to eat. It would indeed be better if you do it yourself. You would have total control of what is being put into your food. And of course you would lean toward the ingredients that make the food healthy and full of delicious flavor. Something that we think your family would heartily agree on.
*** Go Back To Table of Contents ***But would that be difficult to do?
Not at all. In the past it probably would have been but not anymore. We would like to introduce you to Harvest Right, the company that has created the world’s first high-quality, affordable Home Freeze Dryer. Homeowners now have the ability to freeze dry their own food right in the convenience of their homes.
*** Go Back To Table of Contents ***Introducing Harvest Right. The DIY Freeze Dryer.
The Harvest Right Home Freeze Dryer makes the process easy. Here you have your own homemade freeze dryer. It is completely automated and will go through the entire process of freeze drying without requiring human interaction. All you do is push a button. Highly intelligent built-in sensors will know exactly when the food is properly freeze-dried. This is the best freeze dried food DIY available for home use. You'll be able to freeze dry food with ease with your very own DIY freeze dryer machine.
*** Go Back To Table of Contents ***So what foods work best for home freeze drying?
Nearly every food can be freeze-dried, including meat, cheese, fruits, vegetables, dairy, desserts, and even ice cream. Freeze-dried ice cream is real ice cream that has had most of the water removed from it by the freeze-drying process, sealed in a pouch. But it tastes exactly like it should be, real ice cream. And guess what? It requires no refrigeration.
Entire cooked meals like at Heather's party, can be freeze-dried. You can even make freeze dried baby food.
*** Go Back To Table of Contents ***Fruit.
You can have your own DIY freeze dried fruit. Fruit is perfect for freeze drying. It is delicious and easy to prepare. From apples to watermelons, all you need to do is cut it into good-sized pieces that fit onto the trays.
Vegetables also freeze dry extremely well. From avocados to tomatoes, they are best preserved raw, and freeze dried in slices about half an inch thick.
Poultry, Seafood, and Red Meats.
Poultry, seafood, and red meats are perfect for freeze drying. You may freeze dry raw or cooked meats. Both freeze dry perfectly.
There are hundreds more foods you can freeze dry.
*** Go Back To Table of Contents ***How about the cost of doing it yourself versus buying from a supplier?
Good question. In-home freeze-drying will cost as little as one-fifth as much as the cost of commercially prepared freeze-dried foods. That means you could save $20 to $50 on each #10 (gallon) can equivalent that you freeze dry yourself.
*** Go Back To Table of Contents ***Cost Comparison Example.
One #10 can of chicken can feed a large group of people. If you buy from a major freeze dried supplier, your cost for a #10 can of freeze dried chicken would be around $53. Or you can do it yourself by buying the chicken from your preferred grocery store and preserve it yourself with Harvest Right Home Freeze Dryer for a total cost of $8.69. You would save yourself $44.31 which is 83% less.
*** Go Back To Table of Contents ***The savings can really add up.
- Beef (86% savings)
- Pork chops (78% savings)
- Cheddar cheese (82% savings)
- Bananas (86% savings)
- Peaches (86% savings)
- Pineapple (72% savings)
- Corn (79% savings)
- Asparagus (81% savings)
Bottom line, it is much cheaper if you do it yourself.
*** Go Back To Table of Contents ***Video, How It Works.
Video on how your Harvest Right Freeze Dryer Works.
Video, Freeze Drying Versus Canning & Dehydrating.
Video on Freeze Drying versus Canning & Dehydrating
A Wise Decision.
The Harvest Right Home Freeze Dryer can package your own food for camping or backpacking trips and also stock up your emergency food pantry. You will be able to freeze dry a large volume of food. The machine has four shelves that can dry any combination of types of food at the same time. It can produce as much as two gallons of food in each batch. And rehydrating freeze dried food to eat is easy.
Remember that one #10 can equals one gallon. Using the Harvest Right Home Freeze Dryer just three to four times a week allows a family to produce 300 to 400 of #10 cans in a year which would give you a savings of between $6,000 to $20,000 annually.
In fact, you could even start your own business producing hundreds of #10 cans of freeze dried food and putting them up for sale at much higher prices than your cost. It is up to you. You can use it for savings or profit or both.
One way or the other, we would consider buying a Harvest Right Freeze Dryer as a worthy investment that would give your family excellent returns for years to come.
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