Best Collagen Powder For Joints, Skin, And Overall Health
We all want to stay young long as possible but what we take into our mouth is the problem.
Our bodies naturally produce collagen, but as we age, we begin to produce less. In fact, research shows our natural collagen production begins to decline by 1% beginning at the age of 20.
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*** You Can Click Below To Jump To Section ***Introduction.
Due to the loss of collagen we have many problems.
Poor diets and lifestyle compound the trouble.
Here is what happens to your gut.
.....Where things get bad.
.....Not very pleasant is it?
The solution, Gelatin: The Gut-Healing Superfood.
.....Supports the intestinal wall of your gut.
.....Supports your joints.
.....More Benefits of Gelatin.
.....The Details On How Gelatin Benefits You.
.....There are a lot of ways to add gelatin to your diet.
Introducing the Perfect Supplements Company.
.....Quality Exceeded Our Expectations.
.....Premium supplement ingredients.
.....You can see the quality. They stay away from the bad stuff.
.....One Of Their Many Excellent Products.
Due to the loss of collagen we have many problems.
- Joint pain and loss of density of the cartilage that begin to degrade, causing pain, loss of joint mobility, and conditions such as osteoarthritis.
- We get cellulite fat which collects beneath your skin, causing a lumpy, "cottage cheese" look on your thighs, rear end, hips, and belly. It is difficult to get rid of.
- Loss of muscle mass.
- Loss of skin elasticity and the development of wrinkles.
Poor diets and lifestyle compound the trouble.
Sugary foods, antibiotics, and other harmful things kill off the “good” bacteria in the gut. Processed foods and hormonal birth control causes excess estrogen to enter the body which has been linked to cancer. All this damages your gut. And if your gut is damaged, then it will not be able to absorb nutrients efficiently. No wonder people with conditions like celiac disorder have higher rates of nutrient deficiencies. Taking supplements will be for nothing if your body isn’t absorbing them!
*** Go Back To Table of Contents ***Here is what happens to your gut.
When your gut becomes inflamed, holes appear in it. Partially-digested food is able to escape through those holes in a condition called Leaky Gut Syndrome.
Where things get bad.
The body mistakes those foods for harmful invaders and sends its “army” to attack them. The immune system becomes overactive and can start attacking itself. Your white blood cells (the good cells) get overstretched fighting.
Not very pleasant is it?
However we have a solution for this. It is Gelatin, the jelly-like texture that you find at the grocery store.
*** Go Back To Table of Contents ***The solution, Gelatin: The Gut-Healing Superfood.
Gelatin is the name for heated collagen and is the most abundant protein found in our body. It is primarily made up of the amino acids glycine and proline. It also happens to be a gut-healing superfood! We will tell you why gelatin is so good for you.
*** Go Back To Table of Contents ***Supports the intestinal wall of your gut.
Gelatin supports the intestinal wall of your gut and builds up the protective mucus lining in your intestines. It strengthens the wall to block those holes that cause what people call leaky gut, preventing partially-digested food from escaping the stomach and causing havoc in other parts of the body. But due to aging, your body loses gelatin, so it is important to supplement your diet with gelatin.
*** Go Back To Table of Contents ***Supports your joints.
A few things you should know. Gelatin gels while the other forms of collagen do not. We all know about how gelatin gels into jello. It is preferred by many for its gelling properties, which is extremely useful in culinary uses. You can use it to make jellies, gummies, thick sauces, and many other applications. Consequently, gelatin can help maintain and preserve the cartilage in your joints, which is the flexible rubber like tissue that connect your bones together. There was research conducted on athletes taking gelatin supplements which showed significant improvements in joint pain, mobility, and inflammation.
*** Go Back To Table of Contents ***More Benefits of Gelatin.
There are many more benefits of gelatin including the below.
- Beautiful skin
- Lower blood sugar
- Remove excess estrogen
- Weight loss
- Improves the look of cellulite
- Helps heals wounds
- Helps you sleep better
- Improves bone health
- Helps the liver
- Supports the immune system
- Balances hormones
- Strengthens teeth
- Curbs cravings
- Promotes body metabolism
- Treats anxiety and lifts your mood
The Details On How Gelatin Benefits You.
There are a lot of ways to add gelatin to your diet.
- Increase your intake of Bone Broth which is naturally rich in gelatin.
- Make gelatin desserts or just add a scoop of gelatin to a smoothie.
- Tons of cooking recipes that use gelatin.
- Put it into your morning tea or coffee. Make sure the drink is hot and mix quickly.
Just know that the quality of gelatin matters if you want health benefits. You want the highest quality when searching for the best collagen powder for joints, skin, and overall health. It should be grass fed, rBGH free, and non-GMO.
*** Go Back To Table of Contents ***Introducing the Perfect Supplements Company.
After a lot of searching on Gelatin we were pleasantly surprised to encounter a company named Perfect Supplements who had outstanding high quality products that not only met the criteria that we were looking for but at prices better than its competitors such as Knox, Great Lakes, and the like. They have some of the best collagen supplements in the world.
*** Go Back To Table of Contents ***Quality Exceeded Our Expectations.
As far as quality, Perfect Supplements products exceeded our expectations.
Premium supplement ingredients.
All Natural & Whole Food ingredients; nothing synthetic or artificial
Organic or wild-harvested with no toxic pesticides
Fairly traded and ethical labor; we will never profit at the expense of another human being
Backed by scientific research
Minimally Processed – raw, freeze-dried, or fermented, and always processed without chemicals
Third party tested for quality
The quality of the Perfect Supplements Company
You can see the quality. They stay away from the bad stuff.
NO cheap fillers, such as rice or silica
NO flow agents (learn more about magnesium stearate)
NO binders (glue-like substances that form powders into tablets)
NO artificial colors or flavors
The Perfect Supplements Company Avoids Toxic And Harmful Ingredients
One Of Their Many Excellent Products.
We found the below product, an excellent source of high quality Gelatin. Grass fed, rBGH free, and non-GMO and at a great price. Click on the picture below to Buy and check out the other products there too.
Since there are so many health companies out there, we consider ourselves fortunate to discover such a hidden gem in Perfect Supplements. They have the best collagen for gut health, joints, health, and more. And of course we have added their nutrition products to our peronal diets as well. The above product is considered one of the best collagen powder for joints. We personally use it for cooking and drinks. Want to enjoy collagen drink benefits? Simply mix it with your coffee which would be better than any healthy drink at Starbucks. Personally we believe this is the best collagen drink for our health.
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